Mahindra has unveiled a Scorpio-N based pick up truck at the Futurescape event in Cape Town. Dubbed as the Mahindra Global Pik Up has been designed as a versatile, robust, and stylish vehicle, suitable for a wide range of applications. With safety as a core focus, the Global Pik Up aims to meet global standards, including a 5-Star rating, using advanced safety technologies. The vehicle's convenience and driving experience is elevated through innovative technology features.
Mahindra's intelligent 4Xplore four-wheel-drive system further augments the Pik Up capabilities, making it suitable for diverse environments. By adhering to the highest global and local safety standards, this pickup promises not only practicality but also peace of mind for drivers.
This vision is aimed at tapping into the lifestyle pickup market and positioning Mahindra as a differentiated brand for personal exploration. The ultimate goal is to make the pickup lifestyle accessible to a broad spectrum of consumers worldwide. Mahindra's global plan revolves around the Global Pik Up and a range of new products. The initial launch in existing markets, including South Africa, ANZ, Africa MENA & SCA, will mark the first step in strengthening and expanding Mahindra's presence. Subsequently, ASEAN markets will witness the Global Pik Up’s introduction, reflecting a phase-wise strategy.